Thursday, 1 August 2019



Crops doing well despite the lack of rain,
French beans, carrots, beetroot, potatoes 
harvesting on a daily basis.



Onions are maturing nicely, tops (foliage) 
beginning to fall over, need to bend 
the tops down and even stomp on them 
to help the ripening process, 
soon be time to loosen the roots 
which will help drying.


The ones that have gone to seed 
can be used straight away as they do not keep.


My Sweet Corn is coming along, 
the cobs are well formed and it 
will not be long before harvesting.







French beans are producing 
so many at the moment.
Luckily these beans freeze well.





The ground is pretty dry at the moment
but overall the crops are holding up
and looking good.

