Thursday, 25 April 2019


Today (21/04) I have sown my 
Sweetcorn " SWIFT " F1
I grew this variety last year and had a very 
good crop of sweet, tender sweetcorn. 
Many of which I put down in the freezer
and still have a few of them left but
will soon be eaten.

 "SWIFT " F1  One of the best tasting Sweetcorn I have tasted.


An early maturing, super sweet and
tender sweet corn with a delicious flavour. 
Perfect on more exposed sites with a compact 
dwarf habit and improved performance 
in cooler UK soils. Produces 2-3 cobs per plant. 
(21cm – 8” in length). Ready August. 


Sweetcorn " SWIFT " F1 


  • Make sure the growing location has good drainage and enough humus to ensure the ground will not dry too quickly.
  • Sow in early spring under cover in 3in pots 1in deep for the earliest crop at a minimum temp of 50F, warmth will aid germination rates.  Harden off before planting out.  Alternatively sow directly outside in late spring allowing 18in between plants and 18in between rows.
  • Sweet corn must be planted in blocks, not as a single row to ensure good pollination.
  • Cover any roots that appear at the base with mulch or old compost to retain moisture.
  • Do not allow the crop to dry out during hot weather whilst flowering.
  • Each plant will produce 1-2 cobs, test for ripeness when the silks have turned chocolate brown.
  • A creamy liquid should come from the grains when squeezed, when fully ripe.


Wednesday, 24 April 2019

Honeoye Strawberries Planted

My Strawberries runners arrived this 
morning, and after a good soaking 
for a couple of hours they will be 
planted out.


Strawberry 'Honeoye
This bare root hardy mid season variety
 having a good soak are ready for planting 
out in my ready and waiting prepared 
site which has been raised and covered 
in a weed suppressing membrane.
After spacing out I planted by cutting 
a cross on the membrane and spreading
 the roots making sure the crown of the 
plant is above the soil level.

Once planted water in well giving them a good soaking.

Honeoye  Strawberry
A leading variety of strawberry, the Honeoye
 is a reliable and hardy choice for both the 
professional and the beginner. Notable for 
its early blossoming and fruiting white flowers, 
excellent disease resistance and aromatic, 
bright red berries

Keep the soil moist to ensure healthy growth.

Tuesday, 23 April 2019



Broad Bean Aquadulce Claudia sown 
last November are doing well showing 
plenty of flower.

This variety is universally recognised 
as being the best variety for an autumn sowing. 
It establishes itself very quickly, easily 
and will produce a very early and heavy 
reliable crop of white beans, 
on medium sized plants of 6-7 beans per pod.
·         Sow from early autumn to late winter in an open sunny site preferably on ground which has been manured for a previous crop.
·         Sow in double rows 7cm (2in.) deep, 23cm (9in.) apart in the row. The double rows should be spaced 23cm (9in.) apart and a distance of 40-60cm (18-24in.) should be left before the next set of double rows.
·         Keep free of weeds.
·         Pinch out the tops of the plants as soon as four clusters of bloom are showing.
·         Harvest the beans when the pods are well fat and the seed still soft.


Who doesn`t like Strawberries (Preparing the Ground)


My first attempt at growing strawberries
on the allotment, after mixing some well
rotted manure with compost and a couple
 of good handfuls of Growmore general
fertilizer, digging in and then ridging up 
and covering with a weed control fabric.
(Watering well before covering)
(Just waiting for the plants to arrive)

I have ordered  Strawberry 'Honeoye' 
bare root runners a hardy mid season 
variety which hopefully will be here in 
a couple of days.

Upon arrival the bare root runners are 
dormant with any leftover foliage shrivelled
 and dry. They should be planted soon 
after arrival and once planted they will 
be revitalised, with new growth emerging
 quickly and flowering soon after. 


Today I`ve sown another row of 
Pea "Onward", carrots Autumn King 2,
 Kholrabi and Beetroot Boltardy.  
Overall things are not looking to bad.